Looking for a versatile breakfast or snack?

Looking for a versatile breakfast or snack?


Are you looking for something a bit different to serve at morning tea? Or perhaps looking to mix up your breakfast menu without adding extra time and effort? Tip Top Foodservice’s range of bakery snack and breakfast products are a popular option for busy kitchens looking to keep their menu exciting.

The range, including products like Golden Pancakes and Pikelets, Tip Top English Muffins and Cafe Raisin toast, takes only a few minutes in the toaster and some creativity to make a delicious snack or hearty breakfast.

As the weather cools down warm and comforting options like berries or avocado on pancakes or buttery raisin toast will be sure to keep spirits high.

Plus, the entire range has no artificial colours or flavours.

And placing an order is easy.

CCI Members with an existing Tip Top Bakeries account can place orders via tiptoporders@gwf.com.au or call 1300 361 965.

CCI Members interested in opening an account with Tip Top Bakeries, please contact tiptopnewbusiness@gwf.com.au or call 1300 361 965 and PRESS Option 3.