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Out of lockdown, CCI’s new working guidelines.


As South Australia and Victoria exit their respective state lockdowns this morning, we return with the following set of new conditions that we’ll be working under, until the further easing of restrictions:

  • staff will be working from our Adelaide office
  • member and supplier meetings will take place via video conferencing
  • face-to-face supplier meetings may only take place when suitable social distancing can occur (density of 1 person per 4 square metres).

Mask Wearing in South Australia:
Mandatory mask wearing will occur in the following settings:

  • aged care and health facilities
  • indoor public places (areas of limited social distancing where face-to-face interaction occurs).

Please note, SA Health has strongly recommended masks be worn at all workplaces, especially in common area settings.

Mask Wearing in Victoria:
Masks remain compulsory in both indoor and outdoor settings outside of the home and aged care facilities and hospitals are only open to visitors for a specific set of reasons.

As we come out of lockdown, we will monitor and adhere to all state government directives while we assist members to navigate through this next stage and beyond.

If you have any queries please contact our Business Development Managers: Mark Sykes (SA) or Jen Rutherford (Vic) or CCI’s Procurement Manager: Alex Kriznic

Today we begin what we all hope is a return to some level of normality and we look forward to helping all our members, so that they can continue to help our communities.