Member benefits

Member Benefits

Benefits of Membership

By becoming a CCI Member, you can unlock the following benefits that are gained by joining together with over 270 like-minded not for profits across Australia.

CCI Services memberships consolidate the purchasing power of not for profit organisations all over the country, driving down the price all members pay for goods and services. So, not only is your organisation benefiting directly through achieving savings, the not for profit sector as a whole gets stronger together.

On average, our members save the value of their membership fee within a month of joining.

Your CCI membership means you can save time and reduce risk to your organisation because, as part of our supplier tender process, and through our ongoing supplier management, CCI ensures all relevant supplier certifications and licenses are current.
CCI conducts frequent tenders with current and potential suppliers to ensure that CCI Members not only get a great price, but this will also be backed up by excellent service. With tenders costing up to $20,000 to execute, this is an immediate and significant saving to your organisation.
CCI can support you in your relationship development with key suppliers. We’re your partner, in your corner, for managing any arising issues or seeking ‘out of the box’ tailored solutions to your specific procurement needs.
If you’re a larger not for profit organisation with a procurement team, CCI’s contracts, pricing structures and document management will save you precious time that you can then use to focus on other buying categories, and seeking out additional internal saving opportunities such as how products are used and inventory control. For smaller organisations, it’s common for a single individual to manage procurement as just one function of their job role. CCI membership will help you reduce the time needed for your procurement duties so you can free up time to spend on your other critical work.

CCI’s Member Portal contains copies of all certifications and licenses for our suppliers, enabling you to quickly and easily access these for audit purposes, thereby reducing your audit risk.

CCI will keep you up to date with the latest product, service and supply chain news via our regular updates. We tailor these communications to provide you with fast, relevant and efficient updates on trends and happenings in the market, so you can best position your organisation for challenges and opportunities ahead.