Aged Care

Aged Care

How We Can Help Your Aged Care Organisation

CCI Services are specialists in supplying competitively priced goods and services to the not for profit aged care sector. 

A low annual membership fee unlocks excellent prices and service, expert procurement, and instant compliance support.

CCI Services knows aged care

CCI Services knows Australia’s aged care providers are dedicated to supporting the residents they serve, and we understand the ever-increasing pressure on aged care services to deliver value and service to their communities.

We know the industry’s needs from extensive experience working with organisations across the sector, and we are very aware of the challenges facing you, including availability of staff, ever more complicated funding and reporting requirements, new technologies and constantly changing stakeholder expectations.

By joining with more than 270 like-minded organisations who are Members of CCI, you will also be contributing to the joint strength of the sector to deliver positive impact.

When your organisation saves money, it means you can do more for your community, and so can all our Members.

That’s the power of CCI membership.

What we do for our Members

Most of our Members save at least the equivalent of their membership fee in the first month, if not on their first order. 

By securing excellent contracts with some of Australia’s leading suppliers, CCI offers our members access to the advantages of group buying and order consolidation, delivering significant savings on a daily basis. 

CCI’s rigorous due diligence and competitive tendering processes mean you can be confident you are getting the best price and service. 

Because we undertake tenders on behalf of all our members, everyone benefits from a direct saving on tender management costs. Our members also have instant access to current certifications and compliance information on our suppliers at all times, meaning audit processes can be streamlined and business risk reduced.

Our team are also on hand every day to work with you to assist with your procurement strategies and supplier sourcing needs.

What our Members say about being part of CCI Services

Read these case studies to learn more about what being a Member of CCI Services can deliver for your organisation.

Barossa Village

Barossa Village

Prom Country (450x300)

Prom Country Aged Care

Our Suppliers in Aged Care

CCI Services is proud to work with these suppliers, each with many years of experience providing goods and services to the aged care sector.

Find more suppliers, products and services here.