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C10457 Crystal LF – Carton 2x5L Bottle)
C10459 Bright Shine LF – Carton 2×5 Bottle

Modern commercial dishwashers are increasingly being designed to minimise water usage, often by recycling rinse water into pre-wash cycles. Whilst this provides savings in terms of water usage, it can cause issues with excess foaming in subsequent wash stages. Similar issues can occur when pre-wash rinse fails to remove deposits. To combat this, Dominant has developed a new Low Foaming (LF) Rinse Aid, specifically for applications where issues exist with excess foam being generated during wash/rinse cycles, or issues with residual deposits on tableware.

Features and benefits

Both products contain low foaming biodegradable wetting agents to help the water sheet off plates, crockery, glassware and cutlery. Unique sequestering agents aid in scale control to prevent rinse jet, build up, helping deliver trouble-free dishwasher operation. Crystal neat pH is 2.1 and becomes low foaming approximately at 40˚C.

Bright Shine LF – This product forms part of our ‘Bright’ range of kitchen products, and are supplied with a Protekta Cap™ enabling connection as part of a close-loop chemical dispensing system for user safety.

Please speak with Dominant Customer Service for more information  1300 789 963