CCI Members Recycling Update

CCI Members Recycling Update


The best way to reduce your general waste disposal costs and help the environment is to recycle. Recycling is good for your business and the environment.

General Waste items ie food, nappies, clothes, non-recyclable packaging (when mixed together) go to landfill. The waste levy imposed by the state government means increasing general waste disposal costs for your business. Good News! There is something you can do to prevent these rising levy costs:


Recycling is simple and involves separating your waste into different bins before it is collected by your waste provider or Council.  To ensure your waste is recovered and recycled correctly, you can talk to SUEZ Recycling & Recovery to see what bin sizes and collection services are available for your business.


CCI Membership currently divert 42% of their total combined general waste through recycling simple things like Paper, Cardboard, Cooking Oil, Grease Traps, Garden Waste, Food/Organic, Comingle Containers, Bottles, Cans, Plastic, Fluros and Batteries, nearly everything can be recycled if separated and collected correctly.

You can do more to avoid the unnecessary landfill levy on the remaining 58% of general waste currently sent to landfill.

To find out what recycling opportunities are available for your business, ring SUEZ on 13 13 35 or visit